• Birdwatching - Nature's Wonders - Places

    8 hours. 100+ Different Birds. Bliss…

    “My heart was brimming with the longing: to travel all those miles, sometimes nonstop, and come to your place. The urge was so strong, I couldn’t resist it. Oh! Just thinking about wallowing in the cool waters, relishing the scrumptious food aplenty, meeting friends from across the world, made me do a little jig. But where did it all go? I thought I lost my way. Hell no! I am at the right spot, but the marshy expanse of water is no where in sight. A few early birds were hanging around. Where do we go now after having flown…

  • History - Places

    The Submarine Museum

    As kids, like many of us, we were awed by the concept of submarine – something that can travel under the water. And we were under the impression that submarines are a 20th century invention. Yes, the modern submarines were made in later half of 20th century. But efforts to travel under water have been made as early as 325 BC. (A 16th-century Islamic painting depicting Alexander the Great being lowered in a glass submersible. From Wikipedia) Museums have the ability pull us back into the past. The displays recreate history and invoke awe and wonder. Two back-to-back museum visits…